Records are imported from Comma Separated Value (CSV) formatted text files. The CSV format is supported by most Spreadsheet software, like Microsoft Excel.
To prepare a CSV file, you will want to create a spreadsheet where the column headings relate to the attributes (fields) of the Knowledge class you are importing into. You cannot mix records of different Knowledge classes in your spreadsheet. You then populate the rows of the spreadsheet with the metadata for the records. The spreadsheet is then saved as a .csv file and uploaded to the archive’s FTP folder.
The import process does have some limitations. Data types, such as dates and spatial information, need to be in a format that is recognised by the archive. Consequently, it is recommended that you contact Keeping Culture support to discuss the appropriate formats and methods to import your data.
Finally, be aware that importing is an additive process; it does not update existing records with extra information. Instead, a new record is created for every row of the spreadsheet, regardless of whether a duplicate record already exists in the archive. If you do get duplicates, then you will need to merge these records together.
Steps to import Knowledge class records
- Before you begin, you will need to upload the CSV import file to the archive’s FTP folder prior to importing the records. To access the Import wizard, go to the Main Menu → Administration tab, then in the ‘cog’ button menu next to the Knowledge class for your imported records, select Import records.

- In the wizard, click Choose file.
- In the Choose file window, navigate to, and select the CSV file you have previously uploaded to the archive’s FTP folder. Click Save.
- Select ‘CSV & TAB File Importer’ from the Format list. Click Continue.
- Click Continue again.
- In step three of the wizard, systematically work through the list of Knowledge class attributes (fields) assigning a column that contains the value for the attributes. It is not necessary to assign a column to every attribute, but the name or title attribute must be assigned to a column, and it must have a column value.
For attributes that accept multiple values, the column’s value can be separated into multiple values using a delimiter, usually a comma. For example, a column value of ‘Matt Smith, Jill Green, Ken Bell’ can be broken into three separate people using a comma ‘,’ delimiter.
For attributes that reference their values from multiple classes, you must specify the class that the column’s value will be imported into.
Once you have finished making your column assignments, click Continue. - In step four of the wizard, specify any content restriction that will be applied to the imported records. Click Continue.
- The import will begin, and once complete, the wizard will display the outcome of the process. Any error and skipped records will be reported to you. If you need assistance with working out these issues, contact Keeping Culture support. Click Done.
Steps to import List class records
The process of importing records into List classes is identical to that of Knowledge classes, except the link to the import wizard is found in a different location for List classes.
- Navigate to the Lists page by going to: Main Menu → Administration tab → Lists hyperlink.
- Locate the List class you wish to import records into, then click the Import records hyperlink under the title of the list.
- Refer to step 2 onwards in the To import Knowledge class records instructions above to complete the import.